VA Arkitektar has finally received ISO 9001 certification of its quality system, which confirms that the company meets international standards for quality management. This is an important milestone for VA Arkitekta, which has worked hard to improve its processes and ensure …
VA Arkitektar has taken over the supervision of the works of Gunnar S. Óskarsson architect. Gunnar has worked in the profession ever since 1965 when he was still studying and has a very successful career behind him since he finished his studies 1971. …
Búrfellsstöð II - Retaining wall made of environmentally friendly concrete
Búrfellsstöð II - Retaining wall made of environmentally friendly concrete 2018 Búrfellsstöð II - Retaining wall made of environmentally friendly concrete, Búrfellsstöð II - Retaining wall made of environmentally friendly concrete. Búrfellsstöð II - Retaining wall made of environmentally friendly concrete, Búrfellsstöð II - Retaining wall made of environmentally friendly concrete, Búrfellsstöð II - Retaining wall made of environmentally friendly concrete. With global warming …
VA architects proposal was awarded 1. With global warming.
A new addition and outdoor swimming pool has been opened at the Reykjavik Swimming Hall.. VA Architects was awarded first prize in an open architectural competition and was commissioned for the design and design management og the project. .
Sundhöll Reykjavíkur við Barónsstíg er ein af þekktari byggingum landsins …
With each new project that an architect undertakes, he has to put himself in a new step. Weigh and evaluate the project based on new criteria, nýju umhverfi, nýjum verkkaupa, jafnvel nýrri starfsemi.
Skilgreining á frumkvöðli er sá sem kynnir til …
„Ef þú gerir alltaf það sama og þú alltaf gerir, muntu alltaf fá það sem þú alltaf fékkst.“
Albert Einstein
„Rökrétti maðurinn aðlagar sig að heiminum, en sá órökrétti er óþreytandi við að reyna að laga heiminn að sér. That depends …
VA Arkitektar og Landmótun ásamt Erni Þór Halldórsyni hlutu fyrstu verðlaun í hugmyndasamkeppni um nýtt skipulag Landmannalaugasvæðis. Í umsögn dómnefndar segir að tillagan feli í sér róttækar hugmyndir um endurheimt landgæða í Laugum. “Um sterka og djarfa skipulagshugmynd er að …