Urban planning

2015-2019 - Ulfarsardalur urban plan

2001 VA Architects and Bjorn Olafs where awarded first prize in a competition for a urban plan for a new suburb on the south slopes of Ulfarardalur. Since then VA Architects has further developed the plan in stages.

2014-2017 - Local plan for Breidholt

VA Architects have developed a local plan for the selja neighborhood, upper- and lower breidholt.

2004 - Borgarnes urban plan

2003-2005 - Myrargata urban plan

In 2003 hlaut tillaga VA Arkitekta og Björn Ólafs fyrstu verðlaun í samkeppni um rammaskipulag mýrargötu og slippasvæðis í Reykjavík.