2020 - Ásmundar Sveinsson's art gallery – connection building and interior renovations
Sculptor Ásmundur Sveinsson originally built the first part of the house at Sigtún in the year 1941 sem íbúðarhús og verkstæði. After his death, it was decided to turn it into an art museum and Manfreð Vilhjálmsson was hired to design an addition. Markmið hans var að raska sem minnst við þeirri heildarmynd sem Ásmundur hafði skapað. Lögun nýbyggingarinnar tekur þannig mið af upprunalegum húshlutum. In 2009 áttu Reykjavíkurborg og VA Arkitektar samvinnu um að mæla húsið upp og uppfæra teikningar.
In 2020 we were hired to design the interiors for the museum shop and the presentation area as well as to design improvements to the facilities for employees and visitors. During the design, we tried to ensure that the new interiors fit well with the sculptor's magnificent works and this unique building..
Photography Gunnar Sverrisson